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The international Permaculture Convergence was a special event! More than 500 fans of this great ecosocial strategy gathered on the outskirts of London in Gilwell Park to share and discuss topics as: rocket stoves, social permaculture, how to teach kids etc.

A strong thread through the event was the discussion on what to do about climate change!? As disturbing as the reports were from people living close to the shore or in areas with wired new weather phenomenons, there was also such a richness of experience and knowledge in the circle that I left the event alerted, but optimistic.

The VISIpedia graphic ‚Ecovillage‘ was met with interest and several people signed up for the newsletter and info on the next VISI which will show the Permaculture Strategy on one poster!

Curious about the IPC? Here is a link to more info including video documentation >>